《特里·普拉切特:讨人厌的雪人宝宝》是2021年的一部动画片。由Massimo Fenati执导,Hugh Dancy、David Harewood、Julie Walters等联袂主演。特里·普拉切特:讨人厌的雪人宝宝,又名The Abominable Snow Baby。Julie Walters and a big friendly snow baby? It’s the Christmas telly we deserve. Terry Pratchett’s short story is animated in a half-hour adaptation, following Granny (Walters) and her grandson Albert (Hugh Dancy) as they rescue a 14ft furry creature. Not everyone in their town is happy about it – is a lesson in Christmas spirit in order?
xGo 说:prime of time 奶奶好酷!本来我觉得用pet这个词不能体现…真诚无私的善意 想了想又觉得 人类对pet是真心的哈哈哈哈哈 我对我未来的猫也是真心的//嗷嗷是我的丹西西配的音!!!(虽然没听出来
心弦 说:太可爱了 (ps要学习下奶奶的人生态度, 98岁也是prime of life!)
alty 说:来自《好兆头》作者的关于付出善意收获爱的圣诞小故事❤️