《印度神明》是2012年的一部动画片。由Vikram Veturi执导,马诺杰·巴杰帕伊、欧姆·普瑞、玖熹·查瓦拉等联袂主演。印度神明,又名Krishna Aur Kans、奎师那。It is the story of Krishna, the destiny's child, born as the nemesis of brutal king Kans who had tormented the kingdom with his ruthless dominance. Growing up as a naughty prankster, Krishna from a very early age displays his valiant powers over the deadly demons send by Kans, whose frustrations grow as every death defying duel hails Krishna emerging as a real hero among his folks. Years of futile efforts to eliminate his nemesis at last compels Kans to invite Krishna for a decisive duel in the coliseum as the massive crowd breathlessly witnesses the final faceoff between good and evil. As an epic magnum opus, "Krishna aur Kans" promises a complete entertainment package. The pace and speed of the film aptly support the emergence of Krishna, the greatest legendary heritage character of India, that manages to keep the graph of excitement soaring till the end. Adding another magic touch to the package is the heartwarming music of the film...
Maggieeee 说:虽然看到里面说教到敬仰神明以及krishna即救世主的地方觉得怪怪的....(所以我果然是nonbeliever...)但是总体还比较好看,音乐尤其棒,hey krishna那首歌好洗脑...只是我有时候还是会觉得krishna特别像哪吒三太子...
橙小雨 说:印度教启蒙。很不错的影片。音乐很好听。想寻找克里希纳在树下吹奏的那段笛子,如果谁有音频资源,请私信我。谢谢~
影痴 说:6.0/10,印度教科普童话故事,最为印度神话却驾着古埃及战车并操着一口流利的印式英语。