《大麻调查》是2007年的一部纪录片。由Brett Harvey执导,Chris Bennett等联袂主演。大麻调查,又名The Union:The Business Behind Getting High、联合国,日渐壮大的产业。Ever wonder what British Columbia's most profitable industries are? Logging? Fishing? Tourism? Ever think to include Marijuana? If you haven't, think again. BC's illegal marijuana trade has evolved into a unstoppable business giant, dubbed by those involved as 'The Union'. Commanding upwards of $7 billion annually, The Union's roots stretch far and wide with 65% to 85% of all 'BC Bud' being exported to the United States. When record profits are to be made, who are the players, and when do their motives become questionable?
- Why is marijuana illegal?
- What health risks do we really face?
- Does prohibition work?
- What would happen if we taxed it?
- Medicine, paper, fuel, textiles, food, etc. Are we missing something?
Follow filmmaker Adam Scorgie as he dives head first into Canada's most socially acceptable illegal activity. Along the way, Adam demystifies the underground market and brings to light how such a large industry can function while remaining illegal. By interviewing experts from around the globe, including growers, clippers, police officers, criminologists, economists, medical doctors, politicians and pop culture icons, Scorgie examines the cause and effect nature of the business behind getting high.
An excellent documentary on marijuana, exposing how ignorance and vested interests can lead to collective irrationality and a deadweight loss to our general welfare. One wonders what would benefit US society more: keeping locked up at taxpayers' expense close to 50 thousand violators of marijuana laws, or incarcerating all major opponents of marijuana legalization who have knowingly promoted lies and misinformation?
一个响亮的名号 说:有数据,有理论。但有些reasoning的方式不对,太情绪化,用力过度,反而没有那么有说服力。不过大麻确实是没那么有害,立法和禁令确实也是政治需要/历史原因造成。
切开的血管 说:和cowspiracy一个路数…立场性比较强的一个纪录片。更加坚信的一点是世界上大部分人也许在坚持着完全错误的事情,而且很有可能会一直错下去
思阳 说:打五星纯粹是因为我极端的拥护大麻合法化。我觉得我也应该为此尽一番力所能及的微薄之力。