A Very Public Education will see the headteacher and a small group of Year 9 and 10 pupils from one state secondary school and one private, boarding secondary school swapping places to spend a week immersed in the school life of the other. By filming the experiences and reactions of the individuals involved and those around them in each school, the series aims to provide an insight into some of the key differences between the two sectors at a time when education is a political battlefield and the broad perception is of a gulf in standards between them. With more than a third of the current cabinet having emerged from fee-paying schools and regular reports about state school pupils falling behind their privately-educated counterparts in landing places at the best universities and the best jobs, the programmes will set out to explore the social, economic and educational challenges and differences that face both groups. But, over the two episodes, it will also seek to highlight shared experiences to see what they can potentially learn from each other. The two schools involved are The Bemrose School, in Derby and Warminster School, in Wiltshire. Both schools are mixed gender and the pupils taking part in the swap are drawn from pupils aged 13-15 from Years 9 and 10.
Do7ris 说:这个纪录片最现实的意义就是改变了Brett的人生轨迹。第一集的他坐在破旧的家里一副萎靡颓废的状态,消极的情绪,我私心最不喜欢这个学生。没想到第二集来到私立学校感受到了完全不同的氛围,原来他的消极很大程度上来自于他所生长的环境,并未开化的眼界。最可喜的是他意识到了环境的差异,明白他想要的,并且直抒胸臆,最终促成了他得到资助的实现。看到大家评论说他现在在这所私立成绩很好,真心觉得这个纪录片哪怕只实现了这一件事都十分有意义。比较可惜的是叙利亚女孩,在第一集里她是最有摆脱现有环境意识的,第二集来到私立学校喜欢归喜欢,却因为胆怯和阶级意识开始产生抵触情绪。希望她回去可以以一个跳出过井的心态努力,朝她第一集里说的梦想去实现。
Rino Chu 说:三星给拍摄,追一星给话题。可能拍的人也尽力了,其实追问什么没有拍会更有意思,比如只介绍了穷人孩子的家庭,而只通过家长聚会的形式展现私立中学的家庭,但那就是公开的阶级对立了,这也说明叙事其实永远是狡猾和建构的。倒不觉得叙利亚女孩胆怯而放弃私立机会,我觉得她想得挺通的,她的家庭注定要让她了解到社会的残酷和辛苦,公立学校恰恰就是提前预习阶级混杂和摸清社会位置,私立学校反而通过区隔营造出一种上流化的假象。象牙塔能给她一时的改变,但是最终如果不能和原生家庭和阶级衔接起来,只会造成痛苦的割裂。我觉得这也是公费教育存在的意义。
居士的草图纸 说:私立学校校长很骄傲校园里有个Christopher Wren设计的门头,它证明了学校的悠久历史和崇高地位(What architecture is for…)。片中提到英国只有7%的学生能享受这种精英教育(人均预算大约是公立学校的三倍;私立学校可以挑选学生,而公立学校需来者不拒),Google了一下,牛津大学60%以上的生源来自私立学校,据说在美国获得成功的英国演员也大多是私校出来的。Having more money (and knowing how to spend it) definitely makes a difference,富得越久的国家越明显。国内有类似的节目——《变形记》,这种节目对穷孩子比较残忍。片中一个穷孩子获得了私校的奖学金转学过去了,替他开心
2022-01-01 10:01:04
2021-08-30 18:08:54
2022-03-25 23:55:11