《The Lorax》是1972年的一部动画片。由Hawley Pratt执导,埃迪·艾伯特、The Once-ler、Harlen Carraher等联袂主演。A young boy goes to meet a ruined industrialist in a treeless wasteland and hear his tale of what happened to him. His tragic story is about how he began a thriving business with a useless fashion product derived from the trees of a forest. As his business booms, the forest and its inhabitants suffer as he wantonly clearcuts without regard to the warnings of a wise old creature called the Lorax about the dire consequences of his greed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm
洋洋 说:多抓鱼经营思想的启蒙读物:The Lorax。不可再生资源被无节制的使用,一个塑料世界,虚假的世界,资本的世界,那里有嘻哈有游戏,但是没有一颗真正的树,一个其他生物,这是一个悲剧,愚蠢的悲剧。80%的蠢,而20%如果只为了Money,那么这个世界就毁了
小吴佑佑 说:这才是苏斯博士的正确打开方式,反观照明娱乐的两部长片,卖萌与合家欢只是把握住了童书的“表层”特征,而只有那些令人不适的细节和悲剧性桥段才是真正升华作品的内核。对悲剧的警示和反思才是苏斯博士的真正目的,刻意回避是不行的
唱跳歌手那英 说:难受,乔治华盛顿就在脚下,fame is greed,但总有lorax不停站出来呵斥,但是lorax不能做任何事情去改变现状。但是Dr. Suess注定的乐观主义要给个好结局,如果是手冢治虫肯定就是全灭结局了。另外年代拉开距离以后这片子的意义更重要了。