类型:科幻片 美国 1987-05-15
主演:威尔·惠顿 克劳德·艾金斯 库珀·哈克卡比 Wil Wheaton Claude Akins Malcolm Danare Cooper Huckabee John Schneider Amy Wheaton
《诅咒》是1987年的一部科幻片。由大卫·凯斯执导,威尔·惠顿、克劳德·艾金斯、库珀·哈克卡比等联袂主演。诅咒,又名The Curse。There certainly are elements in this film that could have been left out, and the film would have been better off for it; why the cheap monster/demon makeup?(The increasing blisters are great though..) Why having that obnoxious fatso-brother appear in the film at all? And let's face it, the special effects in places were not exactly state of the art either, neither were the editing. So why give it an 8 then? Well my rating couldn't have been any lower, and this is based solely on the fact that the film positively reeks of unique and creepy atmosphere, atmosphere so dark that I put it up there with the Kane-scenes in "Poltergeist 2", and the atmosphere in "Exorcist 3". There truly are some psychotic and memorable scenes. Two that stands out are when the mother of the family tries to " connect the dots" on Cyrus's back, the other is when she sits quietly in the living-room sowing, and then starts to jam the needle and thread into her hands! Excellent! Not to mention the infested fruit and vegetables! All in all,there is in this film a disturbed and unsettling tension that you seldom get to witness in other horror flicks of the same decade, and certainly not in contemporary and crappy Hollywood blockbusters, that's for sure. If you are just curious, rent! If you are a true horror-fan, buy!
max 说:陨石污染水源引发生物体病变,或许启发了伊莱·罗斯的《尸骨无存》,但各种爆浆、蛆虫的画面其实更接近《下水道的美人鱼》,可惜节奏太拖沓,安排了过多无意义的情节和行为不合理的人物,结尾也犯了当时恐怖片的通病——仓促收尾,突然间父亲就变脸、房子就塌了;班卓琴和电子乐混搭的恐怖片配乐也就独此一家
Guruthosriel 说:大致沿用了星之彩的主線,但著重於主角家人的默默同化與努力抗爭,變異與瘋癲的設計、最終的地動與光芒頗具原著風範,可惜原著描繪的色彩只應地外有,表現難度太大,否則本片的效果能夠更上一層樓。
Boschugo 说:论食品安全的重要性,一开始以为医生会是大救星呢,一下子就被戳死了,结局肯定会是那样啊,怎么可能轻易让你逃脱。。。