《火焰使者》是2016年的一部其它片。由Julia Albain执导,Lauren Lopez、Meredith Stepien、Denise Donovan等联袂主演。火焰使者,又名firebringer。At the dawn of humanity, one tribe of cave-people survives the many trials of prehistoric life under the wise leadership of Jemilla, The Peacemaker. Jemilla taught her people to express themselves, rather than bashing each others' heads with rocks and eating each others' babies. But one member of the tribe doesn't seem to fit in: Zazzalil. She's always trying to invent things to make life easier… for herself. While out hatching her latest scheme, Zazzalil stumbles upon the most important discovery in history. One that will pit her tribe against wooly mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, and change the world forever. She'll travel from omega to alpha, and become… the Firebringer!
至此不谈风月 说:StarKid里帅哥也太多了吧……想为了Clark加入集体婚姻。这一部在设定和情节上其实没有他们做的其他剧容易出彩,而且还有点容易尬。事实证明确实是趣味性不足,但是还是有亮点的。所有重要人物都是女性角色,不论是凶残的智慧的还是懒散的,唱完We’re mankind之后会唱We’re womankind。两个女性领导者针锋相对完居然争相跟对方求婚,嗑起来还,挺带感的。写这个剧估计挺累的,太多俗语不能说了……借古讽今也有点意思,沉迷于火可还行……
Even 说:冲着“I don't really wanna do the work today”来的,结果被最后一曲"I am Chorn"彻底降服.
milo stu 说:太棒了,理想主义者和现实主义者需要的是合作,不是敌对