《摇滚世代》是2006年的一部纪录片。由朱利安·邓波执导,比约克、大卫·鲍伊、詹姆斯·布朗等联袂主演。摇滚世代,又名Glastonbury、格拉斯顿伯里音乐节。英格兰西南方的平原孕育了世界上规模最大的音乐祭。自1970年起,已成为与伍兹塔克一般,深刻影响摇滚乐的嬉皮神话。全片混合了历史影像、现场访谈与表演实况,不但让人体验Radiohead、Pulp、Coldplay等乐团的魅力,更呈现了活动本身与裸体解放、嗑药文化、青年暴动之间的关系。 As the King of all music festivals takes a break in 2006, Temple's documentary is the closest thing you can get to the Glastonbury experience this year. It charts the history of the event, but is formed in a way that recreates the feeling of three days of fun rather than simply following chronology. Two hours and twenty minutes might seem a long time for a documentary, but as you're kept smiling most of the way through, it's not in the least overbearing. We are treated to a number of musical highlights, but just as entertaining is meeting some of the weird and wonderful people that make the festival so unique. Particularly memorable are the three-man family team who run the tanker that sucks the, aherm, human waste out of the portaloos – such are the moronic faces of the two children, they really could be characters from Little Britain!
Starman 说:没看完!看了好久也没看到大宝!!主要是介绍了这个音乐节的来历等等,其实好喜欢这样的形式,大家聚在山坡坡上搭帐篷,几天几夜享受音乐的狂欢,不过有的东西在有的民族才能生存,中国虽然也有音乐节可是感觉表演的乐队都一般般吧
Amie L 说:20+那段拍的很美 晚上的金字塔才是王道!pd童鞋的细腿啊群众的咸猪手啊 bjork的小粉裙啊 rh最让我颤抖了 除了兴奋,拍的剪的都有些乱诶~ 警察太扫兴了 竟然还给我看到重复的镜头。。谁给拍个完美的G节啊!
BeingJoyoo 说:音乐纪录片很难与烂片为伍。此片实在糟糕,主旨不清,完全搞不清导演的拍摄目的,不过就是愚蠢且模糊的记录