《白色巴士》是1967年的一部剧情片。由林赛·安德森执导,亚瑟·罗维、约翰·夏普、史蒂芬·摩尔等联袂主演。白色巴士,又名The White Bus、Red。An impassive young girl is taken from her suicidal London life, back to her home in North England on a bizarre bus trip. Seen through the poetic eye of the camera, this is a commentary of doomed British morbidity. In HD.
spondee 说:(BFI Flipside系列)《紅、白與零》(Red、White And Zero,1967)三個短片集錦。瑰寶。②Lindsay Anderson→《The White Bus》:一個女遊魂的巴士返鄉遊歷,在街頭晃蕩中凝視城市與自我沉澱,黑白影像是時空膠囊紀實,亦是對過往的尋思。
_ 说:Very interesting and intriguing, the setting is both real and unreal at the same time, which is the whole point of surrealism. Clearly we can sense some black humor mocking of modern anxiety, which brings up the certain philosophical problems that still applicable now.
老羊 说:黑白与彩色的穿插,年轻与暮气的轮替,工业与资本的相融。 由三位导演的短片组成的多段式电影,幽默、寓意、情感。 最后呢?华灯初上,你在回家的路上,仅此而已。