《偷来的女儿》是2015年的一部动作片。由杰森·伯格执导,安德里亚·罗斯、史蒂夫·巴西奇、妮可·穆尼奥斯等联袂主演。偷来的女儿,又名Stolen Daughter、Sarah a disparu。A Lifetime Network movie Stacey, is a police officer who works child abduction cases, and is suffering from PTSD due to her last case. Shortly after returning back to work Stacey's teenage daughter Sarah is abducted. Even though Stacey is too emotionally involved she may be the best cop for this case...or is she With a glory-seeking co-worker hindering her every move and her family worried about her mental health will Stacey be able to do her job and rescue her daughter from an emotionally unstable abductor.
馍馍 说:剧情:两个患有PTS的母亲,一个是重回刑警的officeer,一个却是刚从prison出来,一次偶然,刚出狱的母亲被车撞击激发了PTS,导致她把偶然遇见的女孩当成自己的孩子带走,而这个女孩刚好是officer的女儿。剧情就是这样,中间夹带一点官场争斗,女儿最终被劝退休息告假的officer妈妈单独营救!连官场争斗也不给个结尾~
望远山 说:没想到我是豆瓣上第一个看它的人= =感觉还可以!讲的是一个母亲在职业和家庭上的自我救赎,主旨稍微浅了一点,动作戏比较简单,剧情也比较简单。
月之夜枫 说:身为母亲的警察的女儿被绑架的,母亲决定救出女儿的故事,还行吧