《卢浮宫的珍宝》是2013年的一部纪录片。由Alastair Laurence执导,Andrew Hussey等联袂主演。卢浮宫的珍宝,又名Treasures of the Louvre。Paris-based writer Andrew Hussey travels through the glorious art and surprising history of an extraordinary French institution to show that the story of the Louvre is the story of France. As well as exploring the masterpieces of painters such as Veronese, Rubens, David, Chardin, Gericault and Delacroix, he examines the changing face of the Louvre itself through its architectur...(展开全部)Paris-based writer Andrew Hussey travels through the glorious art and surprising history of an extraordinary French institution to show that the story of the Louvre is the story of France. As well as exploring the masterpieces of painters such as Veronese, Rubens, David, Chardin, Gericault and Delacroix, he examines the changing face of the Louvre itself through its architecture and design. Medieval fortress, Renaissance palace, luxurious home to kings, emperors and more recently civil servants, today it attracts eight million visitors a year. The documentary also reflects the very latest transformation of the Louvre - the museum's recently-opened Islamic Gallery.
Qº 说:突然想起一个朋友,他不想像其他游客一样“浪费”卢浮宫,于是他在交换到巴黎一年的期间每个星期都不停地看关于卢浮宫内的艺术品的背景知识,然后周末再跑到馆内看真迹。卢浮宫的珍宝太多太多了,他坚持了一年还是没有看完,剩下的艺术品成了他的遗憾。不过这样做真的好!
时间的玫瑰 说:借以卢浮宫本身的演变讲述法国历史的变迁。此间权力变更,物非人非。唯一不变的,是对艺术和美的,孜孜不倦的追求。别人日志里看来这么句话,“文物书画没有长脚,不会自己跑来跑去,偶尔所见与以为拥有,皆为暂时,所不见的方为永远。”【博物馆小哥好帅呀!
陌黑的叶子 说:如果在去卢浮宫之前看就好了。不过也不算太坏,跟着纪录片回想起在卢浮宫的脚步,能大概知道走到哪个位置,身临其境。最难忘的就是,为什么蒙娜丽莎的微笑那么出名,”因为猜不透所以吸引“,这是我最大的缺点,要学习内敛与沉稳