《老鹰的历史》是2013年的一部欧美剧。由艾莉森·埃尔伍德执导,唐·亨利、格伦·弗雷、Don Felder等联袂主演。老鹰的历史,又名History of the Eagles、老鹰乐队传奇历史。Alison Ellwood’s intimate, meticulously crafted patchwork of rare archival material, concert footage, and unseen home movies explores the evolution and enduring popularity of one of America’s truly defining bands.Inspired by the vibrant Los Angeles music scene, Glenn Frey and Don Henley left Linda Ronstadt’s backup band to team with Bernie Leadon and Randy Meisner and form the...(展开全部)Alison Ellwood’s intimate, meticulously crafted patchwork of rare archival material, concert footage, and unseen home movies explores the evolution and enduring popularity of one of America’s truly defining bands.Inspired by the vibrant Los Angeles music scene, Glenn Frey and Don Henley left Linda Ronstadt’s backup band to team with Bernie Leadon and Randy Meisner and form the Eagles in 1971. While personal stories from band members (later including Don Felder, Joe Walsh, and Timothy Schmit), managers, and music-industry luminaries frame the narrative, it’s the unexpected moments—recording sessions, backstage interactions, and even a whimsical sequence from the Desperado cover shoot—that convey the inexplicable rapport linking artists, music, and the times (an era when country-tinged rock and pristine harmonies spoke to a nation still reeling from unrest).But the band was not impervious to its own unrest, and its conflicts prompted several departures and ultimately led to its demise (or long vacation). This History of the Eagles Part 1 skips neither a beat nor a hit song, and we’re reminded why the band’s “greatest-hits” collection remains the best-selling album in U.S. history. - J. N.
A 说:谈到老鹰给我的心情,作为第一支引导我正式接触摇滚乐的启蒙者,毫无疑问老鹰是我在摇滚乐中的初恋、挚爱。与其他美式摇滚的简单直接或热血反叛,老鹰显得太一本正经,太过深沉。假如其他美式乐队可以比喻成是暗恋的对象,逃课的死党,那老鹰就是我最敬重的长兄、叔伯父亲的存在,只要他们一开声,我便会收起身上所有的尖刺,认真乖巧听他们歌唱,讲述生活。 作为九零后小粉丝,未来能看上现场的机会微乎及微,成员的离世、疫情期间都是无法预估的意外。重复一遍又一遍看纪录片,成千上万次听着手机的歌单,沉浸其中好像就能幻想曾经见证过他们的辉煌一样。每位成员都是独一无二的存在,个中是非恩怨不想提起,小粉丝只想认真听歌。现时请好好珍惜:感受老唐的深沉文学功力,老乔绝招用脸推弦,Timothy柔情天使一般的歌声。
SUNINGS 说:真是有人的地方就有争斗,乐队成名之后各种勾心斗角,最后唐和格林谁也都不过谁。最后合体还谈音乐和梦想,都中年大叔害不害臊。早期乡村音乐风格明显,后来加重摇滚因素,但整体风格还是太过流行。本片拍的非常不错,并不是唐和格林的一言堂,从全员参与了老鹰发展历程人员视角比较客观的讲述了老鹰历史,而且毫不避讳的70年代的毒品和性趴体,有些镜头非常大胆,可以看出米国70年代的开放程度。还有早期合唱版的《亡命之徒》真的没有后来改编的钢琴版好听,后来版本才真让人感到命运的无奈和悲情。个人认为老鹰第二好的作品了。
老八 说:其实最喜欢的乐队成员是don henley和randy meisner。glenn当然很优秀,但在看了一些资料和此纪录片后,觉得他太强势了,想把一切都揽到自己身上,乐队的三个前成员的离开都和glenn有直接关系。重组乐队那段采访中,glenn甚至直说“他自己和henley从乐队中赚的钱必须超过别人”,这更是验证了他的强势。glenn当然有资格这样,我也欣赏他的坦诚,但我是真的不喜欢