《乐圣柴可夫斯基》是1970年的一部剧情片。由肯·罗素执导,麦克斯·艾德里安、肯尼斯·考利、格兰达·杰克逊等联袂主演。乐圣柴可夫斯基,又名The Music Lovers。Peter Tchaikovsky created some of the most romantic and beloved music ever. Surely he must have a man sensitivities for above human passions and pitfalls. Not so, says Ken Russell (Women in Love, Crimes of Passion), director of the lavish Tchaikovsky bio-pic The Music Lovers. Declaring that he was “fed up with the reverential treatment of musical heroes,” Russell sold his film to backers by describing it as a “love story between a homosexual and a nymphomaniac.” It’s a love story unlike any other, filled with one bravura visual flourish after another. Matched with the breathtaking sighs are the incomparable Tchaikovsky music selections (“Piano Concerto in B-Flat Minor,” “Swan Lake,” the “1812 Overture” and more), played by the London Symphony Orchestra. Richard Chamberlain and Glenda Jackson star as the ill-matched lovers, but the real star is behind the camera. “With The Music Lovers, Russell emerges as one of the great directors of our era.” (Richard Schickel, Life.)
橙子换马甲 说:不知道为啥油管给我推了Richard Chamberlain,于是搜了一下他的列表,看到这么个 Ken Russell 的片。。然后,女演员们太厉害了,一个个都是疯子,对比之下他就是个时不时装疯的无聊渣男。。话说是全体演员除了他都是英国人吗,为啥在这么个俄国故事里他还跟大家一起讲了英式英语哈哈哈哈~不过还挺好听的,甚至某个时刻不小心想到REG(捂脸)。。我的收获是看到助手,心想为什么这个美少年长得这么典型,莫非就是 Bruce Robinson 哈哈哈哈哈哈~
大奇特(Grinch) 说:探讨了艺术家从事创作的艰苦和他们被俗众包围的尴尬,但根本上是柴可夫斯基的情感困扰,他和友人康特的亲昵关系使他无法享受正常的夫妻生活。肯.拉塞尔认定艺术家的天才是由情欲的失常和挫折煎熬而来,凭空造出一个人欲横流、酒色纵欲的颓废世界,这和他的电影手法一样,多少给人以哗众取宠的感觉。
dinosaurs 说:作为电影这一片无疑是耸动性的精彩之作.但作为传记电影,就让人感到有些可疑----对音乐,美术这些非意义性的艺术进行意义诠释总是危险的,勇敢的尝试常常偏转到庸俗化的方向.这里就涉及到一个问题:传记作品的度应该如何把握.对比克劳斯曼写老柴的小说, 本片的文本若放在文学界绝对是二流的马桶文学水平