Three young couples venture out on an idylic weekend boat trip off the coast of New England. When a meteor crash creates a fierce storm, they are stranded on a remote island inhabited by only the lighthouse keeper and his wife. The meteor has unleashed vicious alien creatures who roam the island in search of prey. The group faces a night of living hell, as they fight for their lives against the evil creatures. Will anyone survive the carnage? 三对年轻夫妇冒险乘船出海到新英格兰海岸去度田园般周末。当一颗流星坠落造成一场凶猛的暴风雨时,他们被陷于只有灯塔守卫和他妻子居住的偏僻小岛上。流星释放出的邪恶外星生物游荡在小岛上找寻食物。在当他们为了生存而与邪恶的生物斗争时,这群人面临的是一个人间地狱之夜。有人会幸免于屠杀吗?