《像土豆一样的信仰》是2006年的一部剧情片。由Regardt执导,Frank Rautenbach、Jeanne Neilson、Hamilton Dlamini等联袂主演。像土豆一样的信仰,又名Faith Like Potatoes、Faith.Like.Potatoes。影片讲述了苏格兰裔赞比亚人Angus Buchan到南非 KwaZulu Natal开始新生活的故事。依靠一片田地,他最终在当地站稳了脚跟。Frank Rautenbach leads a strong cast as Angus Buchan, a Zambian farmer of Scottish heritage, who leaves his farm in the midst of political unrest and racially charged land reclaims and travels south with his family to start a better life in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. With nothing more than a caravan on a p...(展开全部)影片讲述了苏格兰裔赞比亚人Angus Buchan到南非 KwaZulu Natal开始新生活的故事。依靠一片田地,他最终在当地站稳了脚跟。Frank Rautenbach leads a strong cast as Angus Buchan, a Zambian farmer of Scottish heritage, who leaves his farm in the midst of political unrest and racially charged land reclaims and travels south with his family to start a better life in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. With nothing more than a caravan on a patch of land, and help from his foreman, Simeon Bhengu, the Buchan family struggle to settle in a new country. Faced with ever mounting challenges, hardships and personal turmoil, Angus quickly spirals down into a life consumed by anger, fear and destruction. Based on the inspiring true story by Angus Buchan the book was adapted for the big screen by Regardt van den Bergh and weaves together the moving life journey of a man who, like his potatoes, grows his faith, unseen until the harvest.This inspiring true story of a rugged South African farmer, Angus Buchan, is set in the turbulent hills of the KZN Midlands. Angus' manic quest for material success is slowly transformed into a wild love for God and people, as he wrestles with faith, hope, natural disasters and tragic personal loss.
crystalballoon 说:土豆的发生取决于天雨,就像信心的成长除神浇灌以外别无他法。大多信徒是小心翼翼的信仰,遇到或有可能成就的、在情理之内的事情就祈祷,遇到不可能的、超脱情理之外的事情就选择谨慎的怀疑,不敢大胆的支取,不敢“夸口使神的名蒙羞”。若有圣灵感动那就放胆支取吧!不要让顾忌蒙蔽了信心的眼睛,不如此,怎么能经历神的大能呢?
鹿 说:原来是一部传教的电影, 导演很主观的希望把他的想法强加给观众. '祈祷吧, 只要向上帝祈祷, 一切都会实现, 即使是大旱的夏季也能收获硕大无比的土豆! ....' 上帝有多大本领我就不知道了, 但是打着故事片的旗号却在明目张胆的传教..... 有点莫名其妙, 看的我起鸡皮疙瘩.
户筛 说:感谢上帝使我们用信心作为盛接恩典的器皿,而不是行为或者别的什么。上帝知道人的本性重感官而不注重心灵,才用那么厚一本圣经,那么多重复的话语,不厌其烦地坚固信徒的信心,加添心的力量,又在生活中教导圣徒对信心的运用。感谢这大哉敬虔的奥秘。
2021-06-24 21:59:23