《从六件瓷器认识中国》是2013年的一部纪录片。由Lars Tharp联合主演的电影从六件瓷器认识中国,又名China in Six Easy Pieces、从6件瓷器认识中国。For centuries the West has been enthralled by flamboyant blue and white ceramics from China, but were unaware that all the time the Chinese were making porcelains for themselves that were completely different - subtle monochromes for the Imperial court, beautiful objects for the scholar's table and delicate domestic wares. Ceramics expert Lars Tharp, Antiques Roadshow resident and presenter of Treasures of Chinese Porcelain, has picked his six favourite pieces representing Chinese taste. He's goes on a journey through a thousand years of Chinese history, travelling from the ancient capital of Huangzhou in the south to Beijing's Forbidden City in the north, to uncover what these six pieces tell us about Chinese emperors, scholars, workers, merchants and artists. To him, they are China in ceramic form. But can they help us to understand China today?
Shuang 说:前五个选的还是很有代表性的,定窑白瓷、越窑青瓷、元青花、斗彩、珐琅彩,除去技术层面,选择的器物也很有故事性,能反映出不同的时代风貌,最后一个现代瓷器实在太辣眼睛!虽然表现了开放的新时代,但呈现出一种怪异的审美情趣,是否能作为代表,恐怕要留给下一个朝代再讨论了。
易烊万喜 说:宋朝的清淡清新,无为至简,再到元朝的青花,雍正的小情趣。乾隆那里就不好看了,舍弃了很多中国意趣,到了最后一件,其实说明的是,中国人内在已经不相信自己的文化,解构文化或者文化虚无是这个时代的特色。
SnowToni 说:呜哈哈,看着他把那个釉里红和定瓷拿在手中摸来摸去,搞得我也好想摸啊。这辈子好像没这个机会了呜呜呜。。。东西不新鲜,但教会了我怎么用英文去跟人讲这些我热爱和很希望与人分享的东西:D