《一切安好》是2022年的一部动画片。由潘礼德精心打造的,电影一切安好,又名Everything Will Be OK、一切都会好起来的。A megalith rises from a sandy desert – or rather, a scale model of such a landscape. “I am the archive”, says a young female voice while ominous string music nails viewers to their seats. This opening sets the stage for the narrative and figurative language of Rithy Panh’s dense mnemonic essay which uses stunning dioramas to tell a twenty-first century dystopian story. After a century of genocidal ideologies and destructive speciesism, animals have enslaved humans and taken over the world. In a wave of hope, the statues of the past have been removed but new ones are being erected to suppress the will of the people. This is now a planet of apes, boars and lions, and a zoological revolution is reversing and recreating the atrocities of the 20th century. As animal figures watch the film archives of our world, it feels as if Lumière has been transported into a film by Méliès or Willis H. O’Brien. We are all well aware that history repeats itself first as tragedy, then as a farce. The time has now come for this farce, in which “political language inhabits our dreams and consumes us”, to allow the possibility of a “graceful and tender insubordination” to emerge.
Voll-Los 说:**/100,潘禮德真的是世界良心。很明顯是呼應並且超越了《輻射》的,而且不管是在影像技術的使用,節奏的控制,用力的度數,形式的使用與並置和文本語言的組織上都上了一個台階。像是一部影像的權力批判宣言加上一種from nowhere視角的世界苦難與荒誕的辯證散文抒情詩,時刻與世界影像本身進行呼應關照,我覺得老潘應該用盡了渾身解數了,傾注了最大的真誠,在這種影像批判散文抒情詩上,他大約代表了最高水平。 果不其然,一些自以為是的“知識分子”又開始暴力地用語言肢解這樣的影像而不是多沉靜一會,感受一會,以顯出自己使用概念那拙劣不可按耐的優越?最後的部分是真的感受到了德勒茲,當“I'm naive”說出來時,還能如何呢?你能對著懺悔錄里的奧古斯丁盧梭說“凈是些堆砌和重複”?一些無聊透頂的傢伙。 先評不了
胤祥 说:72nd Berlinale EFM online-主竞赛-艺术贡献奖。潘礼德居然能又双叒叕照方抓药来一遍红色高棉+微缩景观+手办大会+影史经典选段+多屏装置散文电影也挺服的(加个口罩就当下了吗哈哈)……观感略好于《辐射》,还是有点小变化的,比如最近两三部里面的全球视点,这部里面(科幻式的)“动物农场”及电路板微缩景观的设计、艺术史(包含建筑史)的图像学分析,关注监控和数字集权,以及信息休克式的文本过载等等。这片子去个奇遇单元不香吗?虽然潘礼德也一定程度上能代表目前散文电影的世界级水平(尤其是工艺,这部声音做得很不错),不过总自我重复没完没了也挺招人烦……
CosmoCandy 说:Berlinale72 A highly provocative and aesthetically creative essay film that brings a perspective of anti-human centrism. 形式上非常非常「戈达尔」,泥塑人物很有创意,sound design与画面交织创造出令人压迫的观感。尤其是,动物与人类位置的互换并非原创,但本片让作为人类的观者在黑暗影院里直面人类之恶,并非简单同情被杀戮的动物,而能够在压迫而恐怖的氛围中进一步思考:人类在地球上的位置到底是什么?我们还有没有希望? 也诚如各位豆友所言,议题选择过于臃肿,但它们的确也是我们这个时代更加无法回避的问题。 “There are no modern times, believe me, only all forms of oppression.”