《BBC 巴赫:激情的一生》是2013年的一部纪录片。由Cesca Eaton精心打造的,电影BBC 巴赫:激情的一生,又名BBC - Bach:A Passionate Life、巴赫 信仰毕生。John Eliot Gardiner goes in search of Bach the man and the musician. The famous portrait of Bach portrays a grumpy 62-year-old man in a wig and formal coat, yet his greatest works were composed 20 years earlier in an almost unrivalled blaze of creativity. We reveal a complex and passionate artist; a warm and convivial family man at the same time a rebellious spirit struggling with the hierarchies of state and church who wrote timeless music that is today known world-wide. Gardiner undertakes a 'Bach Tour' of Germany, and sifts the relatively few clues we have - some newly-found. Most of all, he uses the music to reveal the real Bach.
猫了个咪的 说:唯物主义者们为啥把这个国家搞得一点文化都没有,就在于他们妖魔化宗教而对宗教对艺术的推动作用视而不见,自从马丁路德宗教改革提倡用音乐来歌颂主,德国的音乐艺术翻天覆地而绘画艺术一落千丈,人只有沉浸在某种事物才会迸发出智慧,宗教是很好的寄托。BBC的巴赫生平纪录片,强烈推荐学渣涨姿势。
透凉的生煎包 说:bach大概是理性和热情的最纯粹最忠实的诠释者,尽管他将他自己凝聚成了一个永恒的秘密。ps原来我最爱的brandenburg concertos和1007号大提琴曲是他在kothen完成的......这纪录片的自诩全知视角的诠释方法太过自大。
Hannah 说:虽然历史还原法、生成性地解读作品和症候式批判解传主都很original,信息量和审美兼顾,让我们看到神使用仆人的法则奇妙。但是最后对巴赫的一生尤其是晚期的理解却比较肤浅,是语文课本的知人论世了。