《楼上,楼下 第二季》是1972年的一部欧美剧。由Raymond Menmuir执导,吉恩·马修、戈登·杰克逊、安吉拉·巴德利等联袂主演。楼上,楼下 第二季,又名Upstairs, Downstairs。Home from their honeymoon, the Kirbridges settle into their home in Greenwich. Their staff will consist of Rose as maid, on loan from Eaton Place, a crabby Mrs. Fellows as cook, and a Welshman named Thomas Watkins as manservant/everything else. Thomas has an unsettling gaze and seems a bit suspicious, but Rose fancies him anyway. The newlyweds don't seem very happy and their personalities are changing, getting their marriage off to a rocky start. Lawrence displays bouts of immaturity with a nasty, even cruel, demeanor. He prefers to socialize without Elizabeth, sometimes sneaking out after she's in bed, and comes home very late. His behavior is upsetting, giving Lizzie second thoughts about their marriage.
三心二雪 说:早就加入片单中,经瘦基再次安利,已撸完。第一季+第二季一共才九集,适合当作给自己的奖励。故事不用说,制作也很精良,不专业的我对如此讲究的光影效果时时感到舒适。没必要和唐顿相比,反正爱其中之一就一定会喜欢另一个。危难困境中,齐心合力抱团取卵;和平时代日常狗血撕逼。像极了家庭,也许就是家庭,那个有人想加入有人想逃离被厌倦被眷恋被怀念被遗弃的,就是家庭
lx-豆到底 说:意难平的是女主和landry走不好吗,钦佩的是在儿女情长和家国担当最后还是选择了后者