类型:动作片 美国 2020-05-08
主演:白灵 米基·洛克 乔昆姆·德·阿尔梅达 弗拉基米尔库利奇 马克西姆·马特维耶夫 玛尔塔·卡斯特尔维 Marta Castellví
《勇士迷踪》是2020年的一部动作片。由何塞·马根执导,白灵、米基·洛克、乔昆姆·德·阿尔梅达等联袂主演。勇士迷踪,又名军团的踪迹、The Legion。Nero's reign. The invasion of Parthia has been a fiasco. Two Roman legions have been brought to a stand still in the snowy mountains of Armenia, and the men are dying slowly in the cold. The rest of the Roman army is in Syria, only two weeks march away but the mountains swarm with Parthian patrols. Noreno, a half-Roman, is entrusted the mission of crossing the mountains to ask ...
时堃 说:还以为可以看到罗马军团的大战,结果从头到尾就是一个人为了传递求救信在不停地跑,穿越冬夏穿越欧亚,还抽空睡了个妹子。追击的人也是谜之操作,追上了一刀解决不就完了,还甩给对方武器搞格斗玩,被打败了留下活口后就放弃追杀了?这特么的是军人吗?白灵演的罗马将军情妇算是给亚裔长了脸,有智慧有口才,秒杀了傻不拉几的罗马将军。一切都是被片头“真实事件”所欺骗!
Ιακωβος 说:此片的看點是Noreno 的毅力,翻山越嶺長途跋涉,九死一生完成了使命。 亮點是Noreno在山中遇到了一位名叫撒烏爾的老基督徒的救助,並給他傳授了真理。在完成任務後Noreno拿出撒烏爾送給他的十字架項鏈,打算回去亞美尼亞山中那位 Duria 身邊。
weijiswe 说:when i saw Mickey during the opening, i was like, wow, havent seen you for a while! and when i saw Bai Ling in the end, i had already become feeling tons of WTFs running through my mind. the moment she started talking, this not that interesting film became even more unbearable.