《流浪型男摄影师》是2014年的一部纪录片。由Thomas Wirthenson执导,Mark Reay等联袂主演。流浪型男摄影师,又名Homme Less。From all outside appearances, Mark seems to have the glamorous New York City life that many would envy. Handsome and always impeccably dressed, the charismatic former male model works as a fashion photographer, appears in movies and attends the best parties. When he leaves those events, however, he heads to the East Village-not to an overpriced loft, but to a hidden corner of a rooftop to sleep each night. Thomas Wirthensohn exposes the dark underbelly of the American Dream in an often-merciless city in Homme Less.
psycholeezi 说:看完感触挺多的,其实mark的家境一般,早年靠颜值入了时尚圈,而时尚怎么说呢,就是一个巨大的坑,一旦热爱上,想从这个行业里分杯羹,加之本身没什么家底和背景,那必定回活得比较艰辛(这句话也说自己)。不过,mark这样活着当然也还有一定的自我原因在里面。
茶糖 说:满街都是超短裙大长腿的漂亮妹子,这样的纽约简直不要太美好。可是住在屋顶就不美好了,我很难想象他是怎么挨过寒冷的冬夜的。然而最艰难的也许不是生活本身,而是在这样艰难的生活中一直保持积极的生活态度,这得是多么强大的内心啊。(我的听力...
forfaen 说:他是时尚摄影师,他每天健身,他出门帅到不行。但是他住在roof,需要买tarp,爬楼到3层得加件毛背心,所有的东西都存在健身房的locker里面。他说home让他觉得comform and stability,他说要sneak under your couch. 他说大部分时间他都开心,然后他重复道:大部分时间。