《前往金星的第一艘太空飞船》是1960年的一部科幻片。由Kurt Maetzig执导,谷洋子、Oldrich Lukes、Ignacy Machowski等联袂主演。前往金星的第一艘太空飞船,又名Der schweigende Stern、First Spaceship on Venus。The amazing imaginative fiction author Stanislaw Lem wrote this visually stunning East German space exploration film with a dated but still thoughtful message. The Sets of Der Schweigende Stern are detailed and beautiful - giving the film an amazingly alien feel. The cinematography varies from excellent to mediocre, and the visual effects are cleverly done - relying on actual props and set devices as opposed to split screen and blue or green screen trick photography. Lem's plot is poignant and well-paced, but, unfortunately, most of the acting in this film is a bit difficult to watch. Finally, the overuse of voice-over narration in the early part of the film detracts from its otherwise good artistic and technical merit.
胤祥 说:DEFA特摄片,根据莱姆原作改编。还是……挺好玩的,可能最好玩的就是这个团队构成,苏联人领队,德国人美国人波兰人中国人日本人黑人……核灾难警示片,日本人那边还牵出广岛原爆这条线。不过莱姆对外星人形态的想象还是蛮一以贯之的(这次的金星生命又是个集体-液态的生命体)。片子拍得水平很一般,基本就是全靠说吧……但是色彩是真好看。
汪金卫 说:【歌德学院展映】东德波兰合拍科幻片。严肃反战反核主题。典型冷战核威慑的背景下的产物,并带有社会主义全世界无产阶级联合起来的主旋律色彩。比较说教。口述航行日志、机器人下国际象棋等都是超前的预言。科学家+医生+亚裔+黑人大副简直是太空冒险片标配设定。怀疑晚于此片几年开播的《星际迷航》电视剧从中偷师太多。三星半
小易甫 说:东德与波兰合作的科幻影片,以危险的太空探险之旅揭开金星人进攻地球却自取灭亡的历史。影片明显反映了对核能的恐惧与抵制,广岛原子弹爆炸多次作为人类创造力的深渊被提及。而导演为作品赋予的政治道德考虑以及对世界人民团结的想象则更具乌托邦意味。另外,片中油状不明生物进攻的场景让人印象深刻。