《小甲壳虫历险记》是2014年的一部动画片。由贾尼克·哈斯楚精心打造的,电影小甲壳虫历险记,又名Cykelmyggen og Minibillen、Mini and the Mozzies。The mini beetle Mini appears in a flea circus together with Egon and Dagmar. The flea-girl Miranda bullies Mini and tricks him into interfering in Dagmar's line dancing, making her fall and sprain her foot. Deeply ashamed, Mini runs away and meets a gang of robbers. The gang is led by the brutal beetle, Basse, who orders Mini to break into the bees' honey stock. But the bee-soldiers catch him, and he is sentenced to life-long hard labour. Meanwhile, Miranda regrets her bullying of Mini and together with Mini, who has managed to escape, and their brave friends the ants, they succeed in recovering Egon's beloved racing bike which has been stolen by the robbers. Written by Flemming Quist Møller
大金牙呀! 说:这个超级可爱,好久没见过如此单纯简洁的画风了,像小时候看的蜡笔动画片。啧啧,真好。还记得片中中文字幕管屎壳郎叫“壳郎”,简直和画面一样可爱。
没有心情的小单 说:敲字幕提前看了,画风是传统欧洲动画沿袭而来,讲了一个生来弱小被排挤的小玩意的历险故事,适合给小盆友看。里面歌都蛮好听的~