《一日黎明》是2021年的一部剧情片。由阿索卡·汉达伽马执导,安妮-索伦娜·哈特、Luis j Romero等联袂主演。一日黎明,又名Alborada、The Dawning of the Day。东京电影节主竞赛 Pablo arrives in British Ceylon from Burma to flee a traumatic relationship that had changed from love into passionate obsession. He notices a young pariah woman who empties his outhouse every morning. To Pablo she appears divine. In one morning, he takes her hand and leads her into his bed. Unable to believe or accept her bizarre fate, she remains passive throughout the series of events that unfold thereafter.
风自悠 说:所谓海纳百川,失意之人总想着大海能洗涤心灵、提供归属,殊不知海水依然会藏污纳垢,它纳下的不知有多少肮脏,然而谁问过大海愿意纳下那些垢吗?哦对了,正如谁回应了女孩被强时表达不愿意的吼叫?男主嫌弃下等人的shit,同样他留给人的排泄物也和shit一样,恶心。看了最后几分钟,就觉得前面一切美丽的诗句和对爱的渴望也和shit一样,男主的强奸行径让他不配得到前半段如此地描述,故而恕我没法给高分。(是的,强奸犯不配做人。
不缇 说:土著 诱惑 诗 戏剧 挣扎 阶级 肮脏 信仰 洗净 tiff2021
blood orange 说:TIFFJP2021