《林奇》是2007年的一部纪录片。由blackANDwhite执导,克兹佐夫·马扎克、大卫·林奇、维罗妮卡·罗萨蒂等联袂主演。林奇,又名Lynch。Compiled from over two years of footage, the film is an intimate portrait of Lynch's creative process as he completes his latest film, INLAND EMPIRE. We follow Lynch as he discovers beauty in ideas, leading us on a journey through the abstract which ultimately unveils his cinematic vision. The director of the documentary immersed himself in David Lynch's world; living and working at Lynch's home. His unobtrusive style has captured a personal side of David Lynch not seen before. The film reveals Lynch not only as one of the most original and compelling directors of contemporary film but also as an artist who continues to explore and experiment in countless mediums. We witness his "hands on" approach to painting, sculpting, music and screenwriting. His enthusiasm is infectious; inspiring us to tap into the well of creativity that Lynch believes we all have.
如花 说:这片子和林奇喜欢耍的小伎俩一样晦涩。这辈子如果可以得到一个老爷子亲手做的东西,死无憾矣~(P.S:感谢中国的D版事业,简直是像我这样的英语不好的穷人的福音)
斯多亞 说:拍内陆帝国时的花絮。一帮林奇崇拜者把他平凡的日常拍得就跟先知在传道似的。有几句话说得不错,比如创作为什么来源于快乐而不是痛苦。演员听林奇讲戏一脸懵比
YOUSAWNOTHING 说:一个纪录片试图去模仿采访的导演风格是否是个好事?感觉想法不错但最后结果一般。但还是在几个片段里展现了一个更加真实客观的林奇形象。