类型:剧情片 美国 2015-06-02
主演:杰克·普罗特尼克 卡罗琳·赫尼塞 马修·威尔卡斯 明迪·科恩 Bryan Safi Sam Pancake Drew Droege Matthew McKelligon
《爱的杀戮曲》是2015年的一部剧情片。由吉姆·汉森执导,杰克·普罗特尼克、卡罗琳·赫尼塞、马修·威尔卡斯等联袂主演。爱的杀戮曲,又名You're Killing Me、你杀死我好了。Joe just told his boyfriend, George, that he is a serial killer. George thinks that his boyfriend, Joe, is hilarious... and he just saw Patricia Arquette at Target!!! In the horror/comedy hybrid, 'You're Killing Me', we take a look at the life and death consequences of dating in the age of incessant chatter. Joe and George meet just as Joe is coming out to himself as someone who loves to kill. George, on the other hand, can't decide which wig to wear for his next YouTube video. As George's friends start disappearing, one by one, he must face the undeniable fact that Gretchen might not be coming back with crushed ice for his party
爱看电影的浩浩 说:被别人用刀捅了,还要反问捅他的那个人,是你用刀捅我的吗。后面还有在车上捅YouTube红人的一部分,这里居然有扯肠子(貌似是大肠)逛了IMDb一圈才知道很多人都不看好这部电影..唯一亮点是片尾的结尾曲,蛮好听的
澹台忧 说:大眼萌变态男主因爱之名大开杀戒,然而一个个受害者都跟待宰羔羊似的,死的如此云淡风轻,一度怀疑这都是臆想。小重口还可以,小剧场挺有意思,我喜欢Emma写的那首歌。【二轴初体验】
同志亦凡人中文站 说:哈哈哈笑晕古去了,这是在恶搞“嗜血法医” 吗?男主恃靓行凶,惊悚夹恶搞的风格好清奇。贵圈碧池多得连我都想大开杀戒~~~