《军校风云》是1957年的一部剧情片。由杰克·加芬执导,本·戈扎那、朱莉·威尔森、彼特·马克·里奇曼等联袂主演。军校风云,又名The Strange One、End as a man。An intense story about a sadistic teenage cadet at a southern military school and the dehumanizing and bullying tactics he uses in hazing other students. A creepy upper-classman named Jocko de Paris, devises a complex scheme to get another student thrown out of the school. He sets up a cheating card game where the attending freshmen are scared stiff. A football star with a known violent temper is plied with alcohol and then made very angry specifically so he'll beat up another student. Other scenes include shoving a rubber tube down a student's throat and forcing him to guzzle whiskey. The sadistic Jocko visits one student's room and taunts him about his fear of women and arranges a date with a floozy so he'll overcome his phobia. Because the students are in a military school, the freshmen must address the upper-classmen as "sir" and "obey" orders. This, along with an effective use of black and white photography, adds an especially sinister sadistic vibe to the film. There is also a homoerotic undercurrent. This was Ben Gazzara's first major film role and George Peppard's first film. Most of the actors and technical staff came from the Actors Studio of New York City. Ben Gazzara, Pat Hingle, George Peppard, Peter Mark Richman, Arthur Storch, Paul E. Richards, Larry Gates, Clifton James, Geoffrey Horne, James Olson, Julie Wilson. The Strange One.
Virgil 说:五十年代和gay audience的超级nudge-nudge wink-wink之作。“a frightening portrait of a charismatic young sadist in a southern military school”Naremore书里这个一句话简介也太能安利人了……The film debut of Ben Gazzara|AVClub: “introducing a female character to undercut the raging homoeroticism”James Dean拼命争取想演本片主角结果角色给了戈扎那,太微妙了,各种微妙(确信如果Dean演这个角色肯定没这么辣|据说和原剧差别还是蛮大的,对原剧剧本有点感兴趣
优杉 说:节奏很诡异,男主这个角色刻画得太过不清不楚,两次陷害别人基本都是计划之外的无意之举,看到后边完全不知道他的目的是什么也就导致越来越缺乏动力看下去了(他全片最执着的事情好像就是给那个眼镜仔找女朋友),最后的高潮时刻并没有展现出该有的兴奋,男主投降服软得太快,感觉完全不符合他之前的作风,虽然恶有恶报但始终觉得差一口气。
LostintheStorm 说:3.5 看得很愉快:)那年头有这样的角色&剧情可真不错 pretty gay but OK系列:P