《威尔·法莱尔:美国不用谢》是2009年的一部剧情片。由Marty Callner执导,Will Ferrell等联袂主演。威尔·法莱尔:美国不用谢,又名Will Ferrell:You're Welcome America。In his first-ever HBO special, Will Ferrell reprises his hilarious Tony Award-nominated portrayal of George W. Bush, taking viewers on a semi-sentimental journey through the life, legend, and legacy of the recently unemployed 43rd U.S. President. This acclaimed performance, captured live by HBO at Broadway"s Cort Theater, will shock and awe you into uncontrollable laughter. So kick off your shoes (but don"t throw them), and enjoy You"re Welcome America - A Final Night With President George W. Bush.
松间乐乐 说:重点不仅在于一如既往被黑出翔的布什,还在于will的模仿功力,虽然跟我家男神金肯定有差距,但是will对段子的渲染功力不比他编冷笑话的功力逊。西部式撸和正常式撸的段子,记忆犹新,笑炸废的节奏。
抖啊抖 说:哈哈哈哈像!Will Ferrell这么全心全意黑小布什其实因为是真爱粉吧 Will蜀黍虽然很好笑但感觉还是更像演员 段子的好笑度主要是靠演练
feelzero 说:Ask not what your country can do for you but what have I done to your country? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------