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类型:纪录片  美国,德国   2023-06-11

主演:肖恩·赛法墙 艾丽西亚·罗斯·韦格尔 加洛河




  《全体》是2023年的一部纪录片。由朱莉·科恩执导,肖恩·赛法墙、艾丽西亚·罗斯·韦格尔、加洛河等联袂主演。全体,又名Every Body。In a country obsessed with gender, intersex people are often erased entirely. Sean Saifa Wall, Alicia Roth Weigel, and River Gallo are here to change that. Recounting their individual experiences with stigma, social pressure, and nonconsensual surgeries performed on them as minors, these three make the case for the much-needed rethinking of both archaic medical practices and binary ideas of gender and sex. Oscar-nominated and Emmy-winning filmmaker Julie Cohen (RGB, My Name Is Pauli Murray) allows her documentary participants to guide this intimate portrait of life in between and outside binaries and creates something wholly unique in the process. Combining personal testimony with archival footage, Cohen directly engages with our country’s transphobic history and exposes how little has evolved in the way intersex people are viewed and treated by medical professionals and society at large. However, as these three incredible individuals show in this fearless film, a better future is not only possible but near.––Cyrus Cohen 源自:https://tribecafilm.com/films/every-body-2023 ------------------------------- Oscar-nominated filmmaker Julie Cohen turns her focus towards the lives of three intersex people, in this heartfelt and urgent call for equality. In the US, intersex people are still subject to invasive and premature surgeries, performed without consent upon children of a very young age. Born with sex characteristics that do not fit the typical binary notions of ‘male’ and ‘female’, three intersex adults are now calling for a ban on these harmful surgeries. River, Alicia and Sean all ignored the medical advice to keep their sex a secret, instead sharing their profound individual journeys in embracing their true intersex lives. Now leaders in a global movement for intersex rights, they embark on a journey to the White House where they hope to make history by changing the law. RGB director Cohen’s impassioned and compelling film is a tribute to the power of living life as our authentic selves. 源自:https://www.sheffdocfest.com/film/every-body


  巧比 说:看完感觉很复杂 首先看得出整个crew是想做出一个好片子的 也感谢有人愿意拍natural intersex 但前半段实在是感觉不到导演和主角任何的情感链接 前半段真的很像档案 靠特效和堆砌主角照片死撑 我觉得没用心 后半段节奏好了很多 看得出主创为了让内容fruitful做了很多努力:让三个主角齐聚 让他们观看其他intersex的悲剧视频 但这样有很强的生拉硬拽感 以及加了人物的故事线 整个结构就有点奇怪的 励志走向和世界各地办展貌似扳回一局 但其实觉得这个可以做成连续剧 讲三人分别的私生活会更有意思 明明每个人都那么有性格 做得很扁平有点浪费素材了/以及这片太精英主义了一点 我不喜欢这种气场 必须上报纸上杂志去国会才值得书写?三个人照片配上毕业院校一出 我整个人都尬住了
  一只虎鲸使劲 说:影片里命运最悲惨结局最凄凉的竟然是一个非intersex的人…和一代代遭遇过不公、非议、屈辱,然后一起站出来奋力抗争的intersex们血泪换来的自洽和阶段性胜利形成了惨痛的对比,更加凸显出这个不合理手术和相关缺失的伦理审查带来的痛苦和屈辱。看得我非常揪心…尤其是在现在全球都趋于保守化的倒退苗头下…希望未来会更好,希望每个人都可以不被定义,希望这不仅仅是一个希望。
  Tiny 说:谈性色变的社会,一劳永逸的二分法,儿童的身体没有权利自己做主,随意被人改造。这里面的歧视实在是太多,太深。不说拍的怎么样,就是能排到院线上映,已经很伟大。学习其他少数族群的困境真的非常有必要。






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