类型:剧情片 西班牙,意大利,美国 1992
主演:Francisco Reiguera Akim Tamiroff Orson Welles 奥逊·威尔斯 费尔南多·雷伊 奥雅·柯达 José Mediavilla 贝翠斯·威尔斯 阿基姆·坦米罗夫
《奥逊·威尔斯的堂吉诃德》是1992年的一部剧情片。由奥逊·威尔斯执导,Francisco Reiguera、Akim Tamiroff、Orson Welles等联袂主演。奥逊·威尔斯的堂吉诃德,又名Don Quijote de Orson Welles。Finished by Jesus Franco and Patxi Irigoyen in 1992. (Orson Welles died in 1985). In the 1950s, Orson Welles shot some scenes featuring himself as "Orson Welles, the film director" and then little girl 'Patricia McCormack' as a child named "Dulcie" (after Dulcinea), which will be introduced by Welles in the world of Don Quixote. These scenes aren't present in this Jesus Franco version. According to Spanish film critic Juan Cobos, who had watched an early rough cut of the movie while Orson Welles was still filming material for it, this new version cut and reshaped by Jesus Franco doesn't resemble Welles' vision at all. The film doesn't include all known footage of Don Quixote. There is footage being privately held in at least two collections in Europe. In the unfinished doc, Filming the Trial, Orson Welles said that if Don Quixote was ever finished, he would have called it "When are you going to finish Don Quixote?" Unlike other unfinished Orson Welles films, Don Quixote's incomplete state was not because of lack of finances. Welles always considered his Don Quixote a "private exercise". Or as he put it, he worked on it like an author works on a novel; under no obligations, no time constraints, and could finish it whenever he feels like it. Orson Welles began filming this picture in 1955 and worked on it off and on over the years.
不朽浩克 说:算是看完奥逊威尔斯所有长片了。如果说库布里克是最接近于上帝的导演,那奥逊威尔斯就是上帝。粗糙的画质限制不了电影的构图,年代的久远限制不了威尔斯的思想,电影里的结构我敢说一百年以后也没有导演敢这么拍。戏中戏,打破第三面墙,令人眼花缭乱的机位和剪辑无时无刻不在显示着威尔斯的才华,他不仅仅是进入电影,更是融入电影,成为电影。对于文学作品的改编奥胖有着自己独有的思考,堂吉诃德这样一个与时代格格不入的人物,追寻着古老的骑士精神,爱慕着幻想的完美女神,我一直认为奥胖是想要表达科技发展对人类思想的禁锢,直到他在结尾借堂吉诃德之口说出了现代化和科技并没有错,错的是人心。科技只是人类的工具,而让不让其影响我们内心,选择在于我们自己。
Octopus 说:为啥没看到阿甘本老师说的“电影史最美六分钟"?但影片是好看的,居然是一出穿越剧,而且威胖还直接现身解说,最后甚至让堂吉诃德的冒险和自己的摄影机古怪地结合在一起。当然阿老师的评论也非常令人感动,他说:“What shall we do with our fantasies? Love them, believe them—to the point where we have to deface, to destroy them (that is perhaps the meaning of the films of Orson Welles). But when they prove in the end to be empty and unfulfilled, when they show the void from which they were made, then it is time to pay the price for their truth, to understand that Dulcinea—whom we saved—cannot love us."
合纥 说:奥逊威尔斯最终的版本,据说是多年未完成,在死后多年才上映。有一些打破纪录与剧情,虚拟与现实,古典与现代的处理,看似玩票性质,实应为借古喻今,堂吉诃德可以仅仅成为西班牙文化的一部分,也可以是现在人心的一个集体原型,就像中国人的武侠情结一样。唐吉诃德最后再出发时的一段独白值得回味。可