《玻璃》是2018年的一部剧情片。由Dean Anderson执导,Howard Harling、Miles Higson、Aiden Nord等联袂主演。玻璃,又名Poof。Aaron, an apprehensive 18-year-old, is stuck. Stuck in a small town, helping his father in a job he hates. His life is soon turned upside-down when he meets Mike at a party. At first, Aaron denies his feelings but an unexpected kiss changes everything. As he enters into a hidden relationship with Mike, Aaron finds that some secrets are harder to keep than others. The more he explores his sexuality, the more he begins to consider the impact this may have on the rest of his life.
Yeats 说:评分略低。不过这部只有16分钟左右的短片,装的信息量太大了,包括人物的情感也很复杂,导致跳跃性有点大,这个故事可能不太适合拍短片。 但是取景实在是太好看,好想知道配乐都是从哪来的,都好好听,这样的短片真的很赏心悦目啊~
雨夜飞行 说:男二各种情境下都会笑,感觉好像笑场一样……男一还是挺有戏的。这个结局,来得有点猝不及防,感觉就像男二说完“you know what”马上扭头就走一样把我晾在当场
鹤之剑 说:出柜的困惑。能够遇见喜欢的另一半不容易,能否走出柜子也是很难。然而两种生活必然截然相反。关键的是,能否面对真实的自己,和相爱的人,在一起。