《单身汉》是2017年的一部喜剧片。由库尔特·沃尔克执导,J·K·西蒙斯、朱莉·德尔佩、奥德娅·拉什等联袂主演。单身汉,又名The Bachelors、The Whole New Everything。After the loss of his wife, BILL PONDER (Simmons) and his 17-year-old son WES move out of their small town into the big city in an attempt to have a fresh start. As they each begin to adjust to their new life and seek ways to heal their wounds, they both find comfort in newfound romance. Wes meets LACY, an introverted but fierce girl whose enigmatic personality captivates Wes' attention, and Bill meets CARINE, a compassionate and elegant teacher whose own past heartaches resonate with his. As relationships are tested, Bill and Wes grow apart and back together again while discovering their true selves in the process. Written by Cameron West
Jules 说:故事有意义,但全部细节都陈旧乏味烂极了,仅仅靠J.K.西蒙斯跟朱莉表演上的内容吊着。小男主演技勉强凑合,但演同学的那位表演毫无内容,剧本这么烂,导演又一点个性没有,他俩大量对手戏根本看不下去。说真的,这种电影别拍了吧,直接看前人作品就行了。也就摄影好。妈妈画的那副画很漂亮。
李小猫 说:飞机上看的,极度疲倦缺觉也看得津津有味。小男孩跟爸爸爆发那段眼泪止不住,但是爸爸电击都治不好的抑郁症,好的也是有点突然,缺乏可信度。是个温暖的故事,西蒙斯这次不大出彩,反倒是小鲜肉和小美女不错,德尔佩的酱油打的也还行,日出三部曲之后惘然女神已迟暮。
zhgzh122 说:小女主表演干瘪,连着看了她两部电影,真的觉得她不适合吃这碗饭。去拍拍偶像剧争取像Katherine McNamara一样找到一群不介意演技尴尬的脑残粉,也许能吃几年青春饭。小男主演技不错,对比昨晚连着看的Nick Hoult,他简直就是天才。故事本身一般,看着打发时间。