类型:欧美综艺 美国 2014-05-28
主演:Cat Deeley Nigel Lythgoe Mary Murphy Mia Michaels Adam Shankman Tyce Diorio Tabitha Dumo Travis Wall Stephen Boss
From FOX, the creators of American Idol and the producers of American Bandstand and The American Music Awards comes So You Think You Can Dance. In its sophomore season, this show is offering the winner a one year contract for Celine Dion's Vegas show, a brand new car and $100K cash. Contestants perform a particular style of dance each week with a partner. The audience votes on their favorite couple leaving the 3 couples with the least votes up for elimination. After each dancer performs a solo of their choice for the judges, one male and one female contestant are up for elimination.
扶栏者Y 说:无可救药成为炸客老残粉记录他每集出场时间截下所有镜头在人群中找到他! 让我持续锻炼减肥这么久的只有全能潇洒努力谦逊成熟成长纯真美好的小天使炸!本季还有像米龙锥桥这样的好胆色丝但是结局和米帝观众太瞎怒扣一星!虽知Top4后才追看但一边与河俊欣赏吐槽其乐无穷啊!盼望多看到炸会继续撸各处撸!
脑子白腔荡骨鹅 说:我是挺胸抬头内牛满面的殿军粉…先抒发一下对zack的爱!死宅炸长腿炸潇洒炸全能炸编舞最爱但粉丝数永远垫底的我炸让我都变恋童癖惹!(虽然他心性好不年轻…)平胸而论S11是近4年来最好的,尤其半决赛和决赛,尤其是这两场的我炸!一支钢琴男撸到哭撸到燃也是醉了。有没有来年追不追,我不造啊,心塞
clover 说:这季减少了很多,冠军也从男女各一恢复成只有一个。Ricky的确很有技术,但是感觉评委太捧他了,一路被夸上冠军。Val得亚军应该是靠甜美个性吸票吧,感觉Zack或Jessica都比她好些,Jessica蛮美的,有时候像龙母,而Zack貌似在选手中的人缘不错啊,看着是个好小伙。