《了解你的蘑菇》是2008年的一部纪录片。由罗恩·曼恩执导,Larry Evans、Gary Lincoff等联袂主演。了解你的蘑菇,又名Know Your Mushrooms。Ron Mann investigates the miraculous, near-secret world of fungi. Visionaries Gary Lincoff and Larry Evans lead us on a hunt for the wild mushroom and the deeper cultural experiences attached to the mysterious fungi. The oldest and largest living organisms recorded on Earth are both fungi. And their use by a new, maverick breed of scientists and thinkers has proven vital in the cleansing of sites despoiled by toxins and as a "clean" pesticide, among many other environmentally friendly applications. Combining material filmed at the Telluride Mushroom Fest with animation and archival footage, along with a neo-psychedelic soundtrack by The Flaming Lips, this film opens the doors to perception, taking the audience on an extraordinary trip
HsvEvnX 说:蘑菇大世界!蘑菇的世界观其实还挺靠谱的嘛。这确实是个相当神奇的物种。原来木耳和灵芝也算蘑菇啊- - 小时候经常可以看到被雨水浸湿的腐木上生长着一朵朵的小小伞状蘑菇。我非常喜欢摘它做过家家的菜,因为被大人告知不能吃。难道说真的有毒?或是通向另一个神奇的世界?!( ⊙o⊙ )
咕噜咕噜锤 说:看名字那么奇怪,以为会有什么深意,结果就是讲各种蘑菇。很可爱。拔特,我不四星推荐的原因是我觉得没有人需要了解这些奇怪的蘑菇。对我来说,只要认识香菇草菇杏鲍菇金针菇,就,够,了。
合纥 说:小时候初中生物课本前的几页蘑菇彩页最喜欢翻了。原来植物大战僵尸里的各类蘑菇基本上都可以对上原型。什么致幻菇、松露菇、“南瓜灯”、大马勃菌……,看完就是个蘑菇小达人了。