《李尔王》是1987年的一部科幻片。由让-吕克·戈达尔执导,伍迪·艾伦、弗雷迪·布歇、莱奥·卡拉克斯等联袂主演。李尔王,又名King Lear。(转自IMDB) Everything returns to normal after Chernobyl. That is, everything but art. Most of the great works are lost, and it is up to people like William Shakespear Junior the Fifth to restore the lost artwork of the human race. He finds strange goings-on at a resort enough to remind him of all the lines of the play, dealing with mob boss Don Learo and his daughter Cordelia, a strange professor named Jean Luc-Godard (sic), who repeatedly xeroxes his hand for no particular reason. He is followed by four humanoid goblins that keep tormenting Cordelia. There is also the gentleman whose girlfriend, Valerie, isn't always visible. Then the film is sent off to New York for Mr. Alien to edit.
kylegun 说:She didn't say nothing. She said:"Nothing.No thing."《李尔王》的影像读书笔记:被切尔诺贝利核泄漏摧毁的文明需要重构,将声画光影从故事中剥落,角色模仿着写书人,梅勒女儿有着三个父亲,二十世纪前半叶纽约黑帮史和伍尔夫《海浪》乱入,伍迪艾伦最后几分钟才露面一脸梦游走错片场状……戈达尔一贯的不知所谓,挺好
发不沾霓 说:Julie Delpy卖乖,卡拉克斯充愣,THE END字幕打出之后,伍迪·艾伦才现身;“我认为理解李尔王的唯一方式就是去了解黑手党”;特吕弗塔蒂维斯康蒂雷诺阿……各种一闪而过;威尔斯的相片和《戴珍珠耳环的少女》;一本弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的《The Wave》躺在海浪边;我也想跳进电影里去掐戈达尔的脖子
麻麻睇 说:身处切尔诺贝利时代的莎士比亚虚构后裔,去寻访先祖曾经历的困苦时艰,尝试得到灵感之神缪斯的垂青。然而这些先锋的影像与构思,不过是导演与灵魂对话的呢喃低语。去解读私人密语显然是徒劳的。且此片之于伍迪·艾伦,意义非凡。李尔王厌弃了电影为载体的艺术,然而她终会绽放隽永。