《21世纪驱魔人》是2012年的一部纪录片。由José Antonio Fortea联合主演的电影21世纪驱魔人,又名The Exorcist in the 21st Century。The Exorcist in the 21st Century takes the viewer into the unknown and sinister world of exorcism in the Catholic Church. We meet one of the few exorcists in Europe, the Vatican approved José Antonio Fortea. He travels around the world on a mission to enlighten the masses about demonic possession. Constanza, a Colombian woman, is desperately looking for Fr. Forteas help. She claims to have been possessed by demons for nearly 15 years and she goes through a ritual of exorcism before she sees the Spanish exorcist as a last hope for spiritual liberation. The film follows both their journeys and gives a unique insight into one of the world most secret and mystical rites – the catholic ritual of exorcism.
samornos 说:一摸头就倒这架势还真像气功大师......果然牧师出了驱魔书,各个版本的,版权费不菲。本想看看被“恶魔”附体的那位哥伦比亚女的怎么在附体后口吐流利的外语,但除了歇斯底里喊叫打滚好像没啥,确认不是精神问题还是癔症之类的?要是能让这附体女突然蹦出大段连贯流利的德语啊捷克语啊,我就服
萬和生 说:没有碰触到实质问题:1.魔是不是存在的?2.驱魔人真实的案例。3.被附体者的大量采访。弄几个驱魔人自说自话,找了一个拉美妹子追踪她驱魔,到最后,也没说清楚到底是什么魔附体,驱的成不成功。花絮里拉美妹子驱魔全过程可以作为珍贵的资料片。总体来说,摄影不错,片子本身没太大意义。