太沉重的一部戏 我决定我无法把它看完了。 Is a nation worth the life of its children? A woman in the house of Jews pledged allegiance to the Queen and became known as the Honorable. There’s no limit to the enduring horror and the shadowing sorrow within those walls.
开始感觉故事太错综复杂总怕看不下去,后来就停不下来了,就像每集开场白说的"Who do you trust? How do you know?" ,看到最后一集的最后一分钟都提心吊胆,怕情节再出现逆转。昨天正好刚过联合国巴勒斯坦权利日,这个就是讲英国人看巴以美三方互相泼脏水,但是最后被捏的怎么还是中俄呢
2017-02-15 09:28:23