my brain:满分给sean astin的可爱和帅气,扣掉两分for编剧给他扮演角色安排的那些愚蠢桥段。 the truth:对标国产剧应该是五分剧的类型吧,食之无味弃之可惜,不在五分一下是因为至少是个逻辑自洽的完整作品(如果把所有问题都抛给青春期叛逆的话) 第一季把脑子抛之脑后的话还能把它当成2009年的作品看下去 第二季讲妮可家餐厅如何被汤普森家整垮的那几集,我看得脑子追上我and say:“Dude,this plot like shit” 我受够了编剧为所有角色设置的非黑即白的是非观,而且还极其容易动摇!看到最后一集我在想“还好是HE”结果到最后几分钟你又给大家伙整了个妮可妈妈的坑是什么意思啊?
I like it. small humors are everywhere. I like the whole family members. They are cute and they have unique personality, especially the brother who is really obsessed into the student government job. Haha he is really into the president position. 嗷嗷 will will!
2021-02-25 15:39:35