外网已经有i believe woody以及给这部记录片评低分的movement 因为整部片完全就是在deliberately传输一个观点 感觉就是在以mia的视角和立场说所有事情 最大的问题其实是how Mia Farrow turned Dylan into a professional victim for the rest of her life, how Mia hates Soon Yi enough to try and destroy her as well as Woody, and their college age daughters 说不需要woody视角的 难道世界上所有事情都是非黑即白吗?
He said. She said. He said. She said. He said. She said. Court: not charged. Truth: nobody knows for sure. Shame on the directors. PS: please read Moses and Soon-Yi’s stories, too, which the directors deliberately left out.
2021-03-09 07:26:15