When faith is fading, music or anything becomes the shelter; when the shelter is still trembling, idols are made to fool the minds. Fortunately, the next generation is deaf. Rich, but not busy; modern, yet still well grounded.
罗伯特·奥特曼的美国70s乡村音乐之都浮世绘。多线网状结构,对数十位人物一视同仁,多主题叙事,政治讽喻,叠加的对白,音乐与竞选演说。怀念肯尼迪家族,汽车坟场与大象墓地的女诗人,连环车祸,[逍遥骑士]摩托,五音不全&脱衣舞。you may say that I ain't free, but it don't worry me.(9.0/10)
Altman's comment on Country-western music hub -- Nashville, filled with politics, just like Hollywood. A calculated and brilliant point-by-point deconstruction of the folk musical and the American myth.
2015-08-23 23:25:12