Her experience made me wonder about the history and the stories we all live in --what our moms and grandmothers carry around with them all thru their lives. They are there all the damn time, but I never asked. I think I will now.
这部纪录片真是拍得太棒了。很难描写齐全观看时候的感想。一句话说,这部纪录片终于是一件可以超过喜福会的作品了。我上次重读喜福会及重看,是2019年。期间哭到不成样子。写感想时候我写,this is a book about Mother and Daughter。纪录片也是reinforce了我对喜福会的理解。而且Amy Tan的感情不是虚空在上,是能被很多人共情到的。联系最近听的音乐和看的其他故事,我深感凡是描写人类共有情感和产生共鸣的,都是好的艺术作品。共振强的人,则能成为出色的创作者。
2021-06-13 04:44:43