how interesting; Q&A有观众认为这部片子是pro-Bannon,导演说希拉里当初deplatform trump的打压政策被证明是无效的,对于这样一个destructive person来说我们不能再采取这种态度了;引用orson Welles的chimes at midnight真是神来之笔; Lincoln center with siyu
看得出Bannon并不是脑子进水了,给trump投票的人也不全是坏人或傻子。he has a believe, he has certain reasons to support that, and he sticks to it. Although I will never agree with him in a lifetime。喜欢直接电影的呈现方式,最后的一场大火,还有两人对奥森威尔斯《午夜钟声》的诠释(片子中插入的所有电影都是Bannon自己选的)。附加q&a中的Morris on Bannon: you went to Harvard Business School, you worked for Goldman Sachs, you bought and sold Hollywood business, you get money from conservative billionaires, and you call yourself "populist"? I have another word for it, I call it hypocritical bullshit.
2021-01-13 22:53:30