Very informative for a non metal fan like me. I like that the people he interviewed are actually intelligent and and articulate, well, most of them. This guy is living his dream making a documentary like this.
“Metal confronts what we'd rather ignore. It celebrates what we often deny. It indulges in what we fear most.”非常有诚意的个人对金属乐历史和文化的探讨,介绍了金属乐的起源、声音、歌词、文化现象等等。每个小节的篇幅虽然不长但直指要害,透过访谈和个人感悟展现出金属乐的特点,既有对金属之自由精神的赞美,也有对暴力死亡内容的反思。尤其强调歌迷的作用——是因为千千万万metalhead对这种音乐的喜爱,使金属乐在前人奠定的基础上不断演化创新,成为更加多元和包容的音乐类型。当然,也不要忘记其邪恶起源。
2009-10-09 01:32:03