找来明星子女拍传记式纪录片的优点和拍大IP续集差不多,资金、关注度都很到位,但也有使纪录片落入虚伪的风险,很不幸,这部纪录片就是这样,走马灯般晃过娜塔莉的一生,一些私密的家庭影像,无法深入的对谈,以及对娜塔莉母亲姐姐毫不掩饰的偏见(实际上这两位对娜塔莉而言是极为重要的亲人),对粉丝最关心的落水事件语焉不详,浮于空泛,here who‘s speaking is not that important, but the truth
It has flaws, but it is touching to see her personal life and film career through her daughters' perspectives. However they did make RJ a positive figure in a biased narrative. With that being said, it is sad to see younger audiences care more about her mysterious death than her actual legacy as a talented actress and an intelligent woman. PS Robert Redford is such a sweetheart:)
2020-05-06 10:50:20