I think it's the worse documentary I've ever seen, it's teemed with extremism, which doesn't advocate the idea of respecting women, instead it abases ukrainian women. 这是我看过的最垃圾的纪录片,片中充满了各种极端行径,完全没有尊重女性的概念,反而降低了她们的身份。
当年的世界第三变成现在的世界妓院世界子宫 提到乌克兰,人们谈的不是它基辅的圣索菲亚大教堂,不是它利沃夫的老城区,也不是它喀尔巴阡山的山毛榉林和滑雪基地,永远谈论的是是乌克兰漂亮的女人,如何把乌克兰的漂亮女人娶回家。。。 "we need to do everything we can so that the world sees Ukraine as a country where naked girls protest,not sell their bodies"。FEMEN裸露着上身,举着两色旗,这和《自由引导人民》克拉拉·莱辛袒露双乳手举三色旗是多么的契合。 但我认为乌克兰的问题不在男权女权,乌克兰那是阶级矛盾,买办寡头把国家当养猪场了,应该拉去吊路灯。 @2021-08-13 22:33:35
I admire the director's courage to embed 14 months for an important story. But the story is poorly structured and somewhat misleading. It tries hard to tell me what to think rather than presenting what's going on to let me, the viewer, decide.
2016-04-11 12:56:25