Met Penny Lane, the director. Like she says, the film in a way gives you "a pleasurable experience of being wrong." To see this with the American audience is quite powerful. I like how the film turns our perspective the midway. @whitney humanity
全国各保守派省份都在政府门口坚持竖立的十诫纪念碑其实最早是Cecil B. DeMille的十诫电影宣传品…真是笑死我了!迟来地对经典好莱坞时期产业故事产生极大兴趣。所以,modern satanism是遵循道德原则同时反叛政教合一的可爱无神论者社群。借用齐泽克的说法,基督教的生命力就在于它可以说是无限包容不道德的,按这个逻辑这些无神论者就是因为太遵循道德所以才不被接受吧…这个故事里有美国让人讨厌和让人喜欢的地方,大众显得那么荒谬但依然是大众,但也总有些特别好玩儿的神经病在理直气壮做前无古人的好玩事儿。新世纪纪录片大多在挖掘独特的纪录对象,少了很多对导演创作智慧惊为天人的景仰,嘛,这部至少思考维度还够深入。
Love it! Salute to those who dedicate their whole lives to being a rebel and hence enabling this ultimate satire. "Because being an atheist is boring" LOL too real.
2019-09-21 02:31:08