本应是人类联系最紧密的时代,人类却前所未有地分离。学科,语言,种族,甚至性别等,都是限制,没有全局思维和视野,只能内求。 摘录:“as above, so below, as within, so without." 1. “Everything is connected and one at the same time.” 2. “You are not a drop of water in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.” 3. “We need to occasionally disconnect in order to reconnect.” 4. “What is consciousness? What is the experience of being self-aware? What if consciousness is actually a function of how space feeds back on itself?...which would be a dynamic that could generate self-awareness.” 以及鲁米的“stop being so small, you are the Universe in ecstatic motion!" feedback loop.
2020-07-21 16:57:11