除了一首the rose以外。我更想说。当when a man loves a woman又一次重现。舞台上Bette Midler深情着泪流着。此时此刻我激动到痛哭流涕。。是的。这首when a man loves a woman。是时至今日影响我最深的一首英文歌。我的第一盘英文磁带。来自Michael Bolton。
遇见好男人,爱上好男人,却留不住好男人。失而复得,得而复失。不知道真实的Janis Joplin经历的感情里有没有电影男主那样的类型,似乎女歌手,无论流行还是摇滚,都更易和渣男纠缠不休。如果是渣男反而容易留住,金钱、名气、地位,但好男人,尤其是有自尊的好男人,一而再再而三地被伤害,怎么可能会有明天。心碎玫瑰,the one and only——The Rose。
Heartbreaking to watch such a lost soul living in constant extreme emotional pain, willfully self-hurting and tormenting the beloved ones, in vengeance of ones shameful past. Great screenplay with witty dialogue. Excellent acting and editing. I feel unreal every time I watch a bold and genuine film as old as I am. Nothing is new under the Sun.
2012-01-17 22:30:45