The fiddler symbolizes Anatevka people,who strive for balance via tradition.Despite the lost land and reversed tradition,the Jews'll find new places and ways to scratch out their tone,just as the music still lingers on the ground even when the roof doesn't belong to the fiddler.
①主题,“sunrise,sunset”下,不变的传统与变动的时代——日光之下新闻纷至。②背景,交织或平行。国家(俄罗斯/乌克兰)。宗教(东正教/犹太教)。城市(旧骑兵/新青年)。农村(治安官/犹太人)。③面对苦难(“反犹主义”),拉比祝福道,“may god bless and keep the czar far away from us”。④尊重人性的犹太父亲,善用“绿灯思维”(平权),假借“经谕”与“梦谕”,回应“红灯传统”(父权)。《请以你的名字呼唤我》也有这样一位犹太父亲。⑤如果“嫁娶”是“创世记”,那么“流亡”则是“出埃及记”,有的人去了“耶路撒冷”,有的人去了“美利坚国”,手持托拉的拉比何往?
2010-09-21 23:45:28