Sometimes I think is that really a big deal? Sexual orientation is only one part of one's life. This film tells us, yes, just this one part can make life so hard that one might choose to give it up. We are still not in the perfect ideal world.
怎么说呢,这部传记拍的很raw。coming out对于任何人来说都是一个艰难的过程,someone worse than others.就像她自己说的,她拍这部记录片的用意应该是通过剖析自身,给其他人勇气。其实对于当时已经功成名就的她来说,周围的善意还是较多的。 不过因为之前不听她的歌,所以不知道她走的是性感路线。I can totally understand the shock she made to the country music world now.
2020-10-08 18:15:17